Map of Me: Outcome 2

Dialogue Studio, Map of me

Now that I finally feel like I like my app idea to the point where I’m actually inspired, working on my screens went really quick. After one intense and productive day I now have an app concept and a prototype to show. Thinking about how to make my application interactive, I decided that I want the user to be able to do what I have done as well- create poems about their experience of London and make them into posters that you then can print. Making your poems into visuals. It works by you choosing the letter that you want for your poster, then you pick the colour and lastly you write your poem on it, add to gallery and print!

In terms of the design, I used the same 4 colours I had in my first prototype (blue, yellow, red, pink) for navigation as I think these also work for this idea. The font for the text is Avenir Next Medium and the letters I have manipulated are set in Big Caslon. I found out that I like the outcome of the manipulated type better when it’s set in serifs but as I am overall a very sans serif person and I needed a type that wasn’t so ornate for the rest of the text in the app to fit with the kind of strict and geometric design, I went with Avenir Next as it a bit rounded so it matches the curvyness I have going on with the posters. 

Google Engage: Development 4

Dialogue Studio, google engage

Today has been model making day and I feel completely creatively drained. I had planned to create shapes/ sculptures with lots of gluing together paper but after trying this method out for a couple of hours becoming more and more annoyed by the glue stains I managed to get on the paper and the overall panicky feeling I got when my glue-y fingertips continuously stuck to everything, I gave up. Instead I focused on folding only, creating shapes by bending the paper. This method was better for my sanity but it still took a lot of tries and tests before I got to a result I was happy with. It also works better visually actually as it looks more like big pieces of metal than what it did in my first approach, and that’s exactly what I want it to be. This model isn’t finished, I want to add light to it somehow (been looking into mini glowsticks and might go with that as I then can have coloured light). I’m thinking the glowsticks can go on the floor inside this pavilion to represent screens but I’ll have to try this out before making up my mind. I also need to make a little person standing in front of it for scale. One thing at a time though, now I need some rest. Phew.

Front and back of model, by Lisa


Map of Me: outcome 1

Dialogue Studio, Map of me

Sticking to my last idea about making collages from places in London, I’ve now developed the menu system for my app. I made it into a simple square using triangles to divide the different sections to mimic the ‘cut out feel’ of the collages. The font is called Expressway and one I chose because of its quite angular and sharp form yet still being inviting and friendly. Because of the colours I use, the design can easily look too childlike so a rounded font wouldn’t do- it was simply too friendly and I needed something to balance out these colours. Expressway does that successfully I think.